Selected List (Full Publications at Google Scholar)
Chuanmao Fan, Chenxi Zhao, Kevin Xue, and Ye Duan, “Point Voxel Bi-directional Fusion Implicit Field for 3D Reconstruction”, Graphics Interface (GI) 2024.
Payal Mohadikar, Chuanmao Fan, and Ye Duan, “MS360: A Multi-Scale Feature Fusion Framework for 360 Monocular Depth Estimation”, Graphics Interface (GI) 2024.
Xu Wang, Yao Hao, Ye Duan, and Deshan Yang, “A Deep Learning Approach to Remove Contrast from Contrast-Enhanced CT for Proton Dose Calculation”, Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics, 2024.
Yuyan Li, Yuliang Guo, Zhixin Yan, Xinyu Huang, Ye Duan, and Liu Ren, “OmniFusion: 360 Monocular Depth Estimation via Geometry-Aware Fusion”, IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Oral Presentation, 2022. (project page, arXiv, code)
Yuyan Li and Ye Duan, “Multi-scale Network with Attentional Multi-resolution Fusion for Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation“, 26th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 2022.
Yuyan Li, Zhixin Yan, Ye Duan, and Liu Ren, “PanoDepth: A Two Stage Approach for Monocular Omnidirectional Depth Estimation”, International Conference on 3D Vision (3DV), 2021. (project page, arXiv, paper, video, code)
Laith Alzubaidi, Jinglan Zhang, Amjad J. Humaidi, Ayad Al-Dujaili, Ye Duan, Omran Al-Shamma, J. Santamaría, Mohammed A. Fadhel, Muthana Al-Amidie, and Laith Farhan, Review of deep learning: Concepts, CNN architectures, challenges, applications, future directions, Journal of big Data 8, no. 1 (2021): 1-74. (paper)
Truc Le and Ye Duan, REDN: A Recursive Encoder-Decoder Network for Edge Detection, IEEE Access, Volume 8, no. 1, 90153-90164, 2020.
Adil Al-Azzawi, Anes Ouadou, Highsmith Max, Ye Duan, John J. Tanner, and Jianlin Cheng, DeepCryoPicker: Fully Automated Deep Neural Network for Single Protein Particle Picking in cryo-EM, BMC Bioinformatics, 2020.
Adil Al-Azzawi, Anes Ouadou, Ye Duan and Jianlin Cheng, Auto3DCryoMap: An Automated Particle Alignment Approach for 3D cryo-EM Density Map Reconstruction, BMC Bioinformatics (proceedings of ICIBM 2020).
Laith Alzubaidi, Omran Al-Shamma, Mohammed A. Fadhel, Laith Farhan, Jinglan Zhang, and Ye Duan, Optimizing the Performance of Breast Cancer Classification by Employing the Same Domain Transfer Learning from Hybrid Deep Convolutional Neural Network Model, Electronics, 2020.
Laith Alzubaidi, Mohammed A. Fadhel, Omran Al-Shamma, Jinglan Zhang, and Ye Duan, Deep Learning Models for Classification of Red Blood Cells in Microscopy Images to Aid in Sickle Cell Anemia Diagnosis, Electronics, 2020.
Ming Ma, Xu Wang, Ye Duan, Scott H. Frey, and Xianfeng Gu, Optimal mass transport based brain morphometry for patients with congenital hand deformities, The Visual Computer 35, no. 9, 1311-1325, 2019.
Point Based Rendering Enhancement via Deep Learning, Giang Bui, Truc Le, Brittany Morago, and Ye Duan”, The Visual Computer Journal (Proc. Computer Graphics International), 2018. (paper)
Photograph-LIDAR Registration Methodology for Rock Discontinuity Measurement. Brittany Morago, Giang Bui, Truc Le, Norbert H. Maerz, and Ye Duan, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2018. (paper)
A Multi-view Recurrent Neural Network for 3D Mesh Segmentation, Truc Le, Giang Bui, Ye Duan, Computer and Graphics (Proc. International Conference on Shape Modeling), 2017. (paper)
A Primitive-based 3D Segmentation Algorithm for Mechanical CAD Models, Truc Le, Ye Duan, Computer Aided Geometry Design (Proc. International Conference on Geometric Modeling and Processing), 2017. (paper)
Incident-Supporting Visual Cloud Computing Utilizing Software-Defined Networking, R. Gargees, B. Morago, R. Pelapur, D. Chemodanov, P. Calyam, Z. Oraibi, Ye Duan, G. Seetharaman, K. Palaniappan, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 2017. (paper)
A Method to Accurately Detect Landmark Pairs in the Images to Support Evaluation of Deformable Image Registration Methods, Deshan Yang, Miao Zhang, Xiao Chang, Yabo Fu, Harold H. Li, Sasa Mutic, and Ye Duan. Medical Physics, 2017. Editor’s Choice Award (paper)
Scanning Data Processing and Registration for the Construction of Urban Scenes via Image Methods, Wei Liu, Chao Yang, Xionghui Zhou, and Ye Duan. The Image Science Journal 2017. (paper)
Tongue Image Analysis and Its Mobile App Development for Health Diagnosis, Ratchadaporn Kanawong, Tayo Obafemi-Ajayi, Dahai Liu, Meng Zhang, Dong Xu, Ye Duan, Translational Informatics in Smart Healthcare, vol 1005, Springer, 2017. (paper)
Tongue Images Classification Based on Constrained High Dispersal Network, Dan Meng, Guitao Cao, Ye Duan, Minghua Zhu, Liping Tu, Dong Xu, and Jiatuo Xu. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2017. (paper)
2D Matching Using Repetitive and Salient Features in Architectural Images, Brittany Morago, Giang Bui, Ye Duan, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2016. (paper)
Circle Detection on Images by Line Segment and Circle Completeness, Truc Le and Ye Duan, IEEE Conference on Image Processing, 2016. (paper) (code and data)
Integrating Videos with LIDAR Scans for Virtual Reality, Giang Bui, Brittany Morago, Truc Le, Kevin Karsch, Zheyu Lu, Ye Duan, IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality, 2016. (paper)
A Deep Tongue Image Features Analysis Model for Medical Application, Dan Meng, Guitao Cao, Ye Duan, Minghua Zhu, Liping Tu, Jiatuo Xu, and Dong Xu. In Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM), 2016 IEEE International Conference on, pp. 1918-1922. IEEE, 2016. (paper)
Classification of Tongue Images Based on Doublet and Color Space Dictionary, Guitao Cao, Jie Ding, Ye Duan, Liping Tu, Jiatuo Xu, and Dong Xu. In Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM), 2016 IEEE International Conference on, pp. 1170-1175. IEEE, 2016. (paper)
An Ensemble Approach to Image Matching Using Contextual Features, Brittany Morago, Giang Bui, Ye Duan, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing,Vol 24(11), 4474-87, July 2015. (paper)
Brain Morphometry on Congenital Hand Deformities Based on Teichmüller Space Theory, Hao Peng, Xu Wang, Ye Duan, Scott Frey, Xiangfeng Gu, Computer-Aided Design 58, 84-91, 2015. (paper)
LIDAR-Based Virtual Environment Study for Disaster Response Scenarios, G. Bui, P. Calyam, B. Morago, R. Antequera, T. Nguyen, Ye Duan, IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management (IM), 790-793, 2015. (paper)
A Robust Parity Test for Extracting Parallel Vectors in 3D, IEEE Transactions On Visualization and Computer Graphics (Proc. IEEE Vis 2014, Best Paper Honorable Mentioning), 20(12): 2526-2534, Tao Ju, Minxin Cheng, Xu Wang, Ye Duan. (paper)
Facial Structure Analysis Separates Autism Spectrum Disorders into Meaningful Clinical Subgroups, T. Obafemi-Ajayi, J. Miles, N. Takahashi, W. Qi, K. Aldridge, M. Zhang, S. Xin, Y. He, Ye Duan, Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 1-16, 2014. (paper)
Integrating LIDAR Range Scans and Photographs with Temporal Changes, Brittany Morago*, Giang Bui*, Ye Duan, IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW), 2014. *co-first authors. (pdf)
Synthesizing and editing dynamic flames with color temperature, Zhaohui Wu, Zhong Zhou, Fei Dou, Ye Duan, Wei Wu, Chinese Science Bulletin 59 (36), 2014. (paper)
Farmland detection in synthetic aperture radar images with texture signature, Wentao Xu, Guixu Zhang, Ye Duan, Journal of Applied Remote Sensing 8 (1), 2014. (paper)
Geometrically exact physics-based modeling and computer animation of highly flexible 1D mechanical systems, Y Duan, D Li, PF Pai, Graphical Models 75 (2), 56-68, 2013. (paper)
Geometry based airborne LIDAR data compression, X Li, W Zeng, Y Duan, IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), 2013. (paper)
A hybrid approach for tree classification in airborne LIDAR data, X Li, W Zeng, Y Duan, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2013. (paper)
Quantitative phenotyping of Duchenne muscular dystrophy dogs by comprehensive gait analysis and overnight activity monitoring, JH Shin, B Greer, CH Hakim, Z Zhou, Y Chung, Y Duan, Z He, D Duan, PloS one 8 (3), 2013. (paper)
Pai, P. Frank, Dan Feng, and Ye Duan. “High-Fidelity Camera-based Method for Noncontact Vibration Testing of Structures.” 54th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference. 2013. (paper)
Verification of a 3-D LiDAR Viewer for Discontinuity Orientations, JN Otoo, NH Maerz, X Li, Y Duan, Rock mechanics and rock engineering 46 (3), 543-554, 2013. (paper)
A Simple Method for Measuring Discontinuity Orientations from Terrestrial LIDAR Data, NH Maerz, AM Youssef, JN Otoo, TJ Kassebaum, Y Duan, Environmental & Engineering Geoscience 19 (2), 185-194, 2013. (paper)
A Shiatsu pulse sensor calibration method and application to three-part pulse wave collection, Liping Tu, Jiatuo Xu, Zhifeng Zhang, Bo Yu, Yimin Bao, Ji Cui, Shaoliang Zhang, Jingbin Huang, Zhaofu Fei, Hao Chang, Ye Duan, IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine Workshops (BIBMW), 254-255, 2013. (paper)
Patterns of morphological integration of the face in boys with autism spectrum disorders, K Aldridge, ID George, JR Austin, Y Duan, JH Miles – The FASEB Journal, 2013. (paper)
Automated tongue feature extraction for ZHENG classification in traditional Chinese medicine, R Kanawong, T Obafemi-Ajayi, T Ma, D Xu, S Li, Ye Duan, Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2012. (paper)
Detail‐feature‐preserving surface reconstruction, X Zhao, Z Zhou, Ye Duan, W Wu, Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds 23 (3-4), 407-416, 2012. (paper)
Robust Frame Registration for Multiple Camera Setups in Dynamic Scenes, X Zhao, Z Zhou, Ye Duan, W Wu, IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI), 2012. (paper)
Features for automated tongue image shape classification, T Obafemi-Ajayi, R Kanawong, D Xu, S Li, Y Duan, IEEE Bioinformatics and Biomedicine Workshops (BIBMW), 2012. (paper)
ZHENG classification in Traditional Chinese Medicine based on modified specular-free tongue images, R Kanawong, T Obafemi-Ajayi, J Yu, D Xu, S Li, Ye Duan, IEEE International Bioinformatics and Biomedicine Workshops (BIBMW), 2012. (paper)
Verification of a 3-D LiDAR point cloud viewer for measuring discontinuity orientations, JN Otoo, NH Maerz, X Li, Y Duan, Proceedings of the 46th US Rock mechanics Symposium, Chicago, 24-27, 2012. (paper)
Visualizing and modeling interior spaces of dangerous structures using LIDAR, N Maerz, TK Assebaum, D Williams, K Shea, Y Xi, X Li, Ye Duan. International journal of safety and security engineering 2 (4), 330-350. (paper)
A method of compensating inter-reflections in color photometric stereo, O Ikeda, Ye Duan, IEEE Southwest Symposium on Image Analysis and Interpretation (SSIAI), 2012. (paper)
Automatic detailed localization of facial features, Q He, Ye Duan, D Zhang, Advanced Research in Applied Artificial Intelligence, 1-9, 2012 (paper)
Yongjian Xi and Ye Duan, “A New Integrated Depth Fusion Algorithm for Multi-View Stereo”, Computer Graphics International 2011. (pdf)
Yongjian Xi, Xiaoling Li, Ye Duan, N Maerz, Virtual navigation of interior structures by lidar, SPIE Defense, Security, and Sensing, 2011. (pdf)
Wentao Xu, Ratchadaporn Kanawong, Ye Duan, Guixu Zhang, “A New Information Fusion Approach for Image Segmentation”, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing 2011. (paper)
Kristina Aldridge, Ian D George, Kimberly K Cole, Jordan R Austin, T Nicole Takahashi, Ye Duan, Judith H Miles, “Facial phenotypes in subgroups of prepubertal boys with autism spectrum disorders are correlated with clinical phenotypes”, Molecular Autism Volume 2:15, 2011. (paper)
Qing He, Kevin Karsch, Ye Duan, “Semiautomatic 3D segmentation of brain structures from MRI”, International Journal of Data Mining and Bioinformatics, Vol. 5, No.2 pp. 158 – 173, 2011. (pdf)
Ratchadaporn Kanawong, Wentao Xu, Dong Xu, Shao Li, Tao Ma, Ye Duan, “An Automatic Tongue Detection and Segmentation Framework for Computer-Aided Tongue Image Analysis”, International Journal of Functional Informatics and Personalized Medicine. 2011. (paper)
F Shi, Y Xi, X Li, Y Duan, An automation system of rooftop detection and 3D building modeling from aerial images, Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems 62 (3-4), 383-396, 2011. (paper)
JN Otoo, NH Maerz, L Xiaoling, Y Duan, 3-D discontinuity orientations using combined optical imaging and LiDAR techniques, Proceedings of the 45th US rock mechanics symposium, Chicago, 2011. (paper)
F Shi, X Huang, Y Duan, A Hybrid Approach for Robust Corner Matching, Robotic Welding, Intelligence and Automation, 2011. (paper)
D Karpman, D Ashbrook, X Li, Y Duan, W Zeng, Lidar depth image compression using clustering, re-indexing, and JPEG2000, SPIE Defense, Security, and Sensing, 2011. (paper)
X Li, W Zeng, Y Duan, Norbert Maerz, James Otoo. “Integrating Optical Image with LIDAR for 3D Fracture Orientation Analysis”. IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS 2011). (paper)
Wentao Xu, Ratchadaporn Kanawong, Dong Xu, Shao Li, Tao Ma, Guixu Zhang, Ye Duan, “An Automatic Tongue Detection and Segmentation Framework for Computer-Aided Tongue Image Analysis”, the 13th IEEE International Conference on e-Health Networking, Application & Services (Healthcom2011). (paper)
Yongjian Xi and Ye Duan, “An Iterative Surface Evolution Algorithm for Multiview Stereo”, EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing, 2010. (paper)
Qing He, Ye Duan, Kevin Karsch, Judith Miles, “Detecting corpus callosum abnormalities in autism based on anatomical landmarks”, Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging 183, pages 126–132, 2010. (pdf)
Qing He, Shawn Christ, Kevin Karsch, Dawn Peck, and Ye Duan, “Shape Analysis of Corpus Callosum in Phenylketonuria Using A New 3D Correspondence Algorithm”, SPIE Medical Imaging 2010. (pdf)
Qing He, Dmitriy Karpman, Ye Duan, “Statistical 3D Shape Analysis of Gender Differences in Lateral Ventricles”, SPIE Medical Imaging 2010. (paper)
Qing He, Ye Duan, and Judith Miles, Statistical 3D Shape Analysis of Lateral Ventricles in Autism, (Abstract), International Meeting for Autism Research (IMFAR) 2010.
Yongjian Xi, Ye Duan, and Hongkai Zhao, “A Nonparametric Approach for Noisy Point Data Preprocessing”, International Journal of CAD/CAM Vol. 9, No. 1, pages. 31-36, 2009. (pdf)
Ye Duan, Qing He, Xiaotian Yin, Xianfeng Gu, Kevin Karsch, and Judith Miles, “Detecting corpus callosum abnormalities in autism subtype using planar conformal mapping”, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, 2009. (paper)
Fanhuai Shi, Xixia Huang, Ye Duan and Shanben Chen, “Part-based model for visual detection and localization of gas tungsten arc weld pool”, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2009. (pdf)
Qing He, Shawn Christ, Kevin Karsch, Amanda Moffitt, Dawn Peck, and Ye Duan, “Detecting 3D corpus callosum abnormalities in phenylketonuria”, International Journal of Computational Biology and Drug Design, Vol. 2, No.4 pages. 289 – 301, 2009. (pdf)
Yongjian Xi, Ye Duan, Hongkai Zhao, “A Nonparametric Approach for Noisy Point Data Preprocessing”, the 11th IEEE International conference on Computer-Aided Design and Computer Graphics (CAD/Graphics 2009), August, 2009. (paper)
Kevin Karsch, Qing He, and Ye Duan, “A Fast, Semi-Automatic Brain Structure Segmentation Algorithm for Magnetic Resonance Imaging”, IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics & Biomedicine 2009. (paper)
Fanhuai Shi, Xixia Huang, Ye Duan, “Robust Harris-Laplace Detector by Scale Multiplication”, International Symposium on Visual Computing 2009. (paper)
Fanhuai Shi, Yongjian Xi, Xiaoling Li, Ye Duan, “Rooftop Detection and 3D Building Modeling from Aerial Images”, International Symposium on Visual Computing 2009. (paper)
Qing He, Ye Duan,Xiaotian Yin, Xianfeng Gu, Kevin Karsch, “Shape Analysis of Corpus Callosum in Autism Subtype Using Planar Conformal Mapping”, SPIE Medical Imaging 2009. (pdf)
Ye Duan, Qing He, Kevin Karsch and Judith Miles, (Abstract), Anatomical Landmarks Based Analysis of the Corpus Callosum Abnormalities in Essential Autism, International Meeting for Autism Research (IMFAR) 2009.
Yongjian Xi and Ye Duan, “A Novel Region-Growing Algorithm for Iso-Surface Extraction”, Journal of Computer & Graphics, 2008, Vol. 32 pages. 647–654. (pdf)
Osamu Ikeda, Ye Duan, “Optimal Spectral and Spatial Weights for Photometric Stereo for Accurate Shape Reconstruction”, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing 2008. (paper)
Osamu Ikeda and Ye Duan, “Color Photometric Stereo for Albedo and Shape Reconstruction”, IEEE 2008 Workshop on Application of Computer Vision WACV 2008. (paper)
Qing He, Kevin Karsch, Ye Duan, “A Novel Algorithm for Automatic Brain Structure Segmentation from MRI”, International Symposium of Visual Computing 2008. (paper)
Qing He, Kevin Karsch, Ye Duan, Xiaotian Yin, Xianfeng Gu, Judith Miles, “Detecting thalamic Abnormalities in Autism Using Cylinder Conformal Mapping”, International Symposium of Visual Computing 2008. (paper)
Fenglei Yang, Ye Duan, Yue Lu, “Semi-supervised Edge Learning for Building Detection in Aerial Images”, International Symposium of Visual Computing 2008. (paper)
Kevin Karsch, Brian Grinstead, Qing He, Ye Duan, “Web Based Brain Volume Calculation for Magnetic Resonance Images”, In Proceedings of 30th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (IEEE-EMBC08), 2008. (pdf)
Qing He, Kevin Karsch, Ye Duan, “Abnormalities in MRI Traits of Corpus Callosum in Autism Subtype”, In Proceedings of 30th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (IEEE-EMBC08), 2008. (paper)
Fenglei Yang, Yue Lu, Ye Duan, “Combining Hierarchical Segmentation and Shape Context based Recognition”, IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology 2008. (paper)
Ye Duan, Xiaoling Li, and Yongjian Xi, “Thalamus Segmentation from Diffusion Tensor Magnetic Resonance Imaging”, International Journal of Biomedical Imaging, 2007. (pdf)
Yongjian Xi, Ye Duan, “A Region-Growing Based Iso-Surface Extraction Algorithm”, The 10th IEEE International Conference on Computer-Aided Design and Computer Graphics (CAD/Graphics 2007), Beijing, China, October 2007. (paper)
Qing He, Ye Duan, Judith Miles, Nicole Takahashi, “Statistical Shape Analysis of the Corpus Callosum in Subtypes of Autism”, IEEE 7th International Symposium on Bioinformatics & Bioengineering, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, Oct 14-17, 2007. (paper)
Qing He, Ye Duan, Judith Miles, Nicole Takahashi, “Abnormalities of the Corpus Callosum in Autism Subtype”, International Journal of Functional Informatics and Personalised Medicine, 2007. (paper)
Qing He, Ye Duan, Judith Miles, and Nicole Takahashi, “A Context-Sensitive Active Contour for 2D Corpus Callosum Segmentation”, International Journal of Biomedical Imaging, 2007. (paper)
Ye Duan, Greg Heckenberg, Yongjian Xi, “Thalamus Segmentation from Diffusion Tensor Magnetic Resonance Imaging”, In Proceedings of 28th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (IEEE-EMBC06), 2006. (paper)
Guangyu Zou, Yongjian Xi, Greg Heckenberg, Ye Duan, Jing Hua, and Xianfeng Gu, “Integrated Modeling of PET and DTI Information based on Conformal Brain Mapping”. In Proceedings of SPIE: Medical Imaging, 2006. (paper)
Ye Duan, “A Multiresolution PDE-based Deformable Surface for Medical Applications”, International Journal of Biomedical Imaging, 2006. (pdf)
Greg Heckenberg, Yongjian Xi, Ye Duan, and Jing Hua. “Brain Structure Segmentation from MRI by Geometric Surface Flow”. International Journal of Biomedical Imaging, Vol. 2006, pp. 1 – 6, 2006. (pdf)
Greg Heckenberg, Yongjian Xi, Ye Duan, Jing Hua, and Otto Muzik, “Thalamus Segmentation from MRI Images by Lagrangian Surface Flow”. In Proceedings of 27th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (IEEE-EMBC05), September 2005. (paper)
Yongjian Xi, Greg Heckenberg, Ye Duan, Jing Hua, “Iso-surface extraction by Front Propagation “, Proceedings of Pacific Graphics 2005, Macao, China, 2005. (paper)
Jing Hua, Ye Duan, and Hong Qin. “Design and Manipulation of Polygonal Models in a Haptic, Stereoscopic Virtual Environment”. In Proceedings of International Conference on Shape Modeling and Applications, pages 145-154, June 2005. (pdf)
Yongjian Xi, Greg Heckenberg, Ye Duan and Hongkai Zhao, “A New Modeling-Based Algorithm for Implicit Surface Polygonization”, (Abstract), Proceedings of Vision Geometry XIII, SPIE 2005, January 2005, San Jose, CA.
Ye Duan, Jing Hua, and Hong Qin, “Interactive Shape Modeling Using Lagrangian Surface Flow”, The Visual Computer, Vol. 21, No. 5, pages. 279 – 288, 2005. (pdf)
Ye Duan, Jing Hua, and Hong Qin. “HapticFlow: PDE-Based Mesh Editing with Haptics”, Journal of Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, Vol. 15, No. 3-4, pages 193-200, July 2004. (pdf)
Ye Duan and Hong Qin, “A Subdivision-Based Deformable Model for Surface Reconstruction of Unknown Topology”, Journal of Graphical Models, Vol. 66, No. 4, pages 181-202, July 2004. (pdf)
Ye Duan, Jing Hua, and Hong Qin. “Direct Sketching of 3D Shapes on Polygonal Models”, (Abstract), Proceedings of the Eighth Conference on Geometric Design and Computing, 2004.
Ye Duan, “Front Propagation on 2D Manifolds for 3D Surface Reconstruction”, (Abstract), International Workshop on Image Processing, Computer Vision and Graphics, December 2004, Hangzhou, China. (Invited).
Ye Duan and Hong Qin, “A Deformable Modeling Paradigm for 3D Shape Recovery from Visual Inputs”, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Computer Vision, Object Tracking, and Recognition, August 2004, Beijing, China. (Invited Paper). (pdf)
Ye Duan, Jing Hua, and Hong Qin. “HapticFlow: PDE-Based Mesh Editing with Haptics”, Seventeenth annual conference on Computer Animation and Social Agents (CASA2004), July 2004, Geneva, Switzerland. (pdf)
Ye Duan, Liu Yang , Hong Qin, and Dimitris Samaras , “Shape Reconstruction from 3D and 2D Data Using PDE-Based Deformable Surfaces”, Proceedings of The 8th European Conference on Computer Vision (Computer Vision – ECCV 2004), Part III, May 11-14, 2004, Prague, Czech Republic, pages 238 — 251 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3023). (pdf, video)
Ye Duan and Hong Qin, “2.5D Active Contour for Surface Reconstruction”, Proceedings of 8th international workshop on Vision, Modeling and Visualization, pages 431-439, November 2003, Munich, Germany. (pdf)
Ye Duan, Jing Hua and Hong Qin, “Explicit Surface Flow for Mesh Editing”, (Abstract), Eighth SIAM Conference on Geometric Design and Computing, November 2003, Seattle, WA.
Ye Duan and Hong Qin, “Tangential-Flow Based Surface Reconstruction”, (Abstract), Eighth SIAM Conference on Geometric Design and Computing, November 2003, Seattle, WA.
Ye Duan and Hong Qin, “2.5D Active Surface for Surface Reconstruction”, (Abstract), DIMACS Workshop on Surface Reconstruction, April 2003, Piscataway, NJ.
Ye Duan and Hong Qin, “A Novel Subdivision-based Deformable Model for Surface Reconstruction of Arbitrary Topology”, (Abstract), Seventh SIAM Conference on Geometric Design and Computing, November 2001, Sacramento, CA.
Ye Duan and Hong Qin, “A Novel Modeling Algorithm for Shape Recovery of Unknown Topology.” Proceedings of The Eighth IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV 2001), pages 402-409, July 2001, Vancouver, Canada. (pdf)
Ye Duan and Hong Qin, “Extracting Boundary Surface of Arbitrary Topology from Volumetric Datasets.”, Proceedings of Joint IEEE TCVG and Eurographics Workshop on Volume Graphics (VG’01), pages 149-158, June 2001, Stony Brook, New York. (pdf)
Ye Duan and Hong Qin, “Intelligent Balloon: A Subdivision-Based Deformable Model For Surface Reconstruction Of Arbitrary Topology.” Proceedings of the Sixth ACM Symposium on Solid Modeling and Applications, pages 47-58, June 2001, Ann Arbor, Michigan. (pdf)